iSPEX 2 is a low cost spectropolarimeter. Currently we are validating the device for water quality measurements and general experiments. We started working on polarisation too. Sign up and we will keep you updated (once in two months).

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We have a limited stock of spectrometer units and accessories, you can order them here:
While we maintain limited stock, there are some production delays for the polarizer units due to the scarcity of retarder foils.
The cost fluctuates based on the availability of polariser foils. However, we're rolling out two research-intended versions:
  • Spectrometer: Approximately < $44
  • Spectropolarimeter: Pricier due to the inclusion of complex retarder foils. Approx $99
Note: Prices may decrease for large-scale citizen science endeavors.
  • A transmission case (cuvet) for experimental projects.
  • For extensive scientific endeavors, we provide a kit: a durable case, grey card, dedicated calibrated smartphone, a calibration lamp, and a user manual.
We are finalizing development of the 'iSPEX Water' apps for both Android and iOS for advanced calibration and water quality analysis. Additionally, a versatile, user-friendly app is in the works. It will facilitate image capture, classification, and the curation of a personal spectral library. You can find app links on the Pocket Science website.
Certainly. This platform lets users store, process, and analyze spectral images with comprehensive metadata suited for scientific applications.
Most recent Android and iPhone models are compatible. iOS 12 and up are supported and the Android phones that support Camera2 (Raw imaging).
The current team consists of Norbert Schmidt and Joep van der Heiden (of DDQ Pocket Science), hardware design and early production by Armand Perduijn. We work closely together with Leiden University, Plymouth Marine Lab, ZMT Leibniz and other institutions and volunteers. Credit goes to Frans Snik and Jeroen Rietjens from Leiden University and SRON. They are the founding fathers.
Absolutely. Armand Perduijn of Bright Led Solutions masterminded the optical design and pre-production prototypes. A heartfelt thanks to Dr. Snik, Dr. Olivier Burggraaff of Leiden University, Professors Christoph Keller, Emmanuel Boss, and Stefan Simis for their unwavering commitment.

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iSPEX calibration instrutions

The iSPEX unit is composed of a backplate, tailored to your phone, and a detachable unit. There are two types of units available: a spectrometer version and a polarizer version. Each unit comes with a barcode for support purposes.
To install, remove any cases from your phone (screen protectors can stay) and ensure the camera is clean, as the iSPEX is an optical add-on. Choose the 1x zoom camera (you can find out by positioning the unit and check the screen if it gets dark.

To use with the iSPEX app, position the unit so the horizontal bar, referred to as the slit, aligns within the top box on your screen, making sure both parts of the spectrum are visible. Adjust the exposure if necessary, keeping in mind that overexposed images cannot be used. Press the capture button to take a measurement. The image will automatically be sent to our server for processing. Results, including graphs and data, will be accessible within seconds by pressing the 'MySPEX' button located in the top right corner.